The altar stone at Stonehenge, installed around 2,600 BC, is a six ton slab of sandstone brought by means unknown from Wales to Salisbury plain. The central monument in Banksy's latest installation, a replica of the ancient monument built on the site of the forthcoming Glastonbury festival, is a portable toilet that has been sawed in half and sunk into the Somerset field.
A photograph taken by the graffiti artist himself and published exclusively in the Guardian today, shows a druidic figure standing atop the monument, in tribute, the artist's spokesperson Jo Brooks said yesterday, to the summer solstice on June 21, the first evening of the festival.
The artist, never shy of controversy, has raised some eyebrows with the location of the artwork in the "Sacred Space" field, venerated by the festival's more hippyish devotees. Banksy himself has no illusions about the sanctity of his work, however: "A lot of monuments are a bit rubbish," he said, "but this really is a pile of crap."

ill post
cute. i like banksy.
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